Registered user since Thu 7 Jan 2021
Katja Tuma obtained her MSc in Computer Science from the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. During her studies, she spent two semesters abroad at Reykjavik University and Malmö University, where she discovered her curiosity for research. She pursued her Ph.D. degree on the topic of secure software design at Gothenburg University, where under the supervision of Riccardo Scandariato she published in top software engineering conferences and journals, including JSS and MODELS. She was hosted by Jan Jürjens at the RGSE group (at the University of Koblenz-Landau) as a visiting researcher for three months, for which she was awarded the DAAD scholarship. She also took an active role in the community by serving as a PC member for the GraMSec and SecureMDE workshops. In addition to her academic service, Katja has actively contributed to the undergraduate education at Gothenburg University by helping to design a new course from scratch (Mathematical Foundations for Software Engineering), which she taught for four consecutive years.
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