Registered user since Fri 12 Feb 2021
PhD student in Software Engineering at the Center for Advanced Studies and Systems of Recife - CESAR School and holds a Master’s in Software Engineering from the Center for Advanced Studies and Systems of Recife - CESAR (2019), specialist in Higher Education Teaching from the Faculdade CET (2010) and in Computer Networks from the Faculdade Santo Agostinho (2006), a Bachelor’s in Computer Science from the State University of Piauí (2005) and as a Technologist in the Infantry EsSA (1999). He has experience in the Software Engineering Areas, with an emphasis on the Software Production Process, working mainly on the following topics: Software Process Improvements, DevOps Practices, Agile Methodologies and Cloud Computing. He worked as the Manager of Systems Management in the Piauí State Secretariat of Administration (2011 to April / 2020); as a Coordinator of courses on Computer Networks and Systems for the Internet at the Faculdade CET (2012 to 2014), and; Head of the Informatics Section of the 25th Battalion of hunter (2001 to 2009). He is currently Technical Director of the Information Technology Agency (ATI, in Portuguese) of the Government of the State of Piauí and a Lecturer at the iCEV Higher Education Institute.
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